vendredi 18 décembre 2009

Dear friends and partners in Christ,

Receive our greetings from Cameroon. The year 2009 is fast coming to an end. In this update we are looking back and praising God for the opportunities and challenges he gave us this year. There is no way we could love and serve the Lord as we do, without the encouragement we draw from knowing friends like you. Thank you for your love and interest in our life and service to Jesus-Christ.

Family Blessings

Let's start with the family. One year-end resolution last year was to read through the Bible this year as a family. The challenge was to read 3 to 4 chapters every evening; we thought this will help us learn as well as teach the Bible to the children. We want to praise God that we have faithfully sat down every evening for about 30mns to do the family Bible reading. We missed the reading a few times, but we always caught up the next day. We are not yet at the end, but we trust God that we will remain faithful until the 31st of December. It has been a very rewarding and uplifting spiritual exercise for the whole family. Another great blessing we praise God for is the birth of Victor Emmanuel last July 28. His siblings call him Baby Prince, and they enjoy playing together. One word describes Baby Prince, as we can read from his behavior, and that word is confidence






Building the Young Leaders League (YLL) label

Last July was the end of our first Young Leaders Club (YLC) activities for the academic year 2008-2009. For a first experience we are so happy to see what God helped us achieve. The YLC won the school's Best Club Award for the academic year 2008-2009. The Principal was so happy with our impact on the youths. Last June, at the end of the academic year he made the following comment: "The YLC is making a difference on our school, and this is not because of the projects it has done, but I can see the positive impact on its members. I wonder what should be done in order to impact more students with your servant leadership principles". Victor seized the opportunity of this comment by the Principal to ask if we can teach the Leadership And Development Studies (LADS) in classrooms this year, which he accepted. Praise God, we are presently teaching LADS in a few classes.

An impact story

Claude is a YLC member since last year. After being trained in servant leadership last academic year, he went to spend holidays with his family in Doume, a small town in the East province of Cameroon. His mother noticed many positive changes in his son's life. Amazed at the transformation she saw in her son, Claude's mother asked him what had happened to him. Claude explained he had joined the YLC in his school that teaches leadership based on biblical values. He even shared the Four Spiritual Laws (CCC brochure that explains how to receive Christ as personal Savior). He also talked about Victor and Florence who are coaching YLC members. Claude's mother was so happy with him that when he travelled back to Yaounde for the new school year after his holidays, she sent a tin of honey and a bunch of plantains to us to show her appreciation.

Season's greetings from the Manyims: Victor, Florence, Karis, Ester, Debora, and Victor Emmanuel

mercredi 26 août 2009

African Forum on Religion and Government (AFREG)2

From August 18 to 21 2009, 240 African Christian leaders gathered in Lumuru-Kenya for a time of reflection and mutual empowerment. Our guests of Honor were H.E. Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi, Chief Ojo Maduekwze, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Rev Dr Laurence Bropleh, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Liberia.

You are the light of the world was the key verse for this conference. The Keynote address was Given by Dr Delanyo Adadevoh, President of International Leadership Foundation (ILF) Dr Adadevoh’s Address was titled “The whole Gospel to the whole person”. Dr Adadevoh in his address explains why the Church in Africa must embrace missions with new paradigms: preach a holistic Gospel for the whole salvation of the whole person. We also heard vibrant live testimony of H.E. Nkurunziza, of how he and his leadership team are leading transformation in Burundi. within lass than two years, Burundi built more than 700 primary and secondary schools for the Nation, without any help from outside the country. President Nkurunziza rolls his own sleeves every Saturday and goes to lay bricks and build schools throughout the country. HE encourages the people of Burundi to do the same. This inspirational leader was thus able to mobilize his people to build the Nation with their own sweat. President Nkurunziza received the first

ILF President’s Transforming Leadership Award

©Photo by J.B. Dasalla 2009

President Nkurunziza receives the ILF President’s Transforming Leadership Award from Dr Delanyo Adadevoh

The Address from Chief Ojo Maduekwe was also a very challenging testimony of a Godly States man who lives out integrity and who has become an island of justice and integrity in the middle of an ocean of corruption in Nigeria.

jeudi 16 juillet 2009

Feedback from the Young Leaders Camp

Three weeks ago we went to Mvii for the Young Leaders Camp. It was a great time of spiritual and personal development for the Young Leaders (YL) as well as the coaches. In this update we are giving you a few Comments from two participants and from a YL’s parent, a brief report of our activities, and a few pictures showing what we did.

Comments about the YL Camp

“I enjoyed every hour of it. I am able to tie a neck tie now. I really wish we could stay here a whole month. Now I will get back home and begin to idle. I can’t miss the camp next year” Davy Pondy

“Before the Mvii 09 Camp, I used to think you pray only when you have a problem or need something. I used to think you pray only when there is a specific situation. Now I have not only learnt prayer is a natural everyday activity in the life of a Christian leader. I know how to meet with God every day. I now know how to pray.” Michelle Metougou

“I have noticed a big change in my son Vianney since he came back from the YL Camp. He is more responsible in his attitude, and he now leads devotions at home” Mrs Lissouck (parent)

YL Camp brief Report

All of the young leaders who attended the camp live in cities in Cameroon, and most of them are not used to living conditions in the village. The main expectation from the parents who sent their children for this camp was that they would be exposed to the living conditions in the village and learn to work hard. And as you will see in the report below, living in a village in Cameroon is not a peace of cake, even for young people who usually live in the city here.

After devotion and after doing domestic work, Young Leaders (YL) went into exciting days, made of different activities including the following:

Bible Studies: We explored salvation in Christ, how to maintain a good fellowship with Jesus. We also taught the youths how to start every day with God. The last two days of the camp, we gave them the opportunity to start the day with God, applying what they had learnt in the previous days

1. Leadership issues discussions and community work: A highlight of the leadership discussion was the leadership of king Rehoboam. He ignored that a great change had taken place in the kingdom, he thought he would be able to discipline the people of Israel more harshly that his father did; he ended up realizing to the detriment of many who suffered the terrible consequences, that change had taken place. Young leaders learnt from these discussions that a leader must lead and some times initiate change, instead of watching it or trying to ignore it. Young Leaders understood the lesson so much that when we went to clean the village water spring. While working at the water spring, Vianney-one of the Young Leaders- exclaimed: “We are leading change!”

2. Sports: We played volleyball, football (soccer) and we even played a friendly football game with the village’s youth. The score of the game was 3 vs 3

3. Adventures in the forest: This was the best activity for many in the group. A highlight of this activity was when we went to learn how to set traps. “Dr Kumaloh”, a village specialist in traps hunting explained different techniques, as well as principles to follow for a successful trap hunting in the Jungle. After his explanations and demonstration, young leaders had to set their own traps.

4. Story telling around the fire and Jesus Film show: One of the evenings, we showed the Jesus Film in Bulu, the language spoken at Mvii. 137 gathered to watch the film. At the end, Victor challenged them to receive Christ and about half of them prayed to invite Christ into their lives. Another evening, wise people of Mvii told young leaders stories from African traditional wisdom. ‘’Once upon a time, the Turtle the hare were very good friends…” went one of the stories

Culinary and Cultural show: Young Leaders learned how cook traditional meals from a few tribes of Cameroon, they also prepared songs and traditional dances. They had an evening show with exhibition of all they had cooked. The show also included Christian singing and traditional dances

lundi 22 juin 2009

The June Ministry Update

Dear friends and partners in the harvest, love greetings from Yaounde.

We thank God for being faithful to keep us strong and healthy, and for maintaining our love for his service. Here is our latest update. We pray God will greatly bless you as you read.

The Young Leader Camp

On June 22 to 28 2009, we are holding our first Young Leaders League Camp at Mvii, a village situated 180 kms/110 miles away from Yaounde. We are presently making all necessary preparations for this important event. The objective of the camp is to explore some lessons of the Leadership and Development Studies (LADS) curriculum in a different context. We also hope to help build stronger ties between young leaders, and develop their love for God and for team work. Here are some of the activities we will organize at the camp:

· Text Box:   Two Young Leaders at the village of the campBible studies: we will start every day in prayer and end every day in prayer. We wil teach basic spiritual principles like salvation, forgiveness of sins, and being lead by Christ. We will also teach young leaders how to spend time with God.

· Story Telling: Young Leaders will drink at the village's source of wisdom. Elderly people will tell stories while youths sit at the fireside.

· Farming: we will go with young leaders to the villagers’ farms and work with them.

· Sporting activities and other games: football games

· Jesus Film Showing in Bulu: Bulu is the language spoken at Mvii. We plan to show the Jesus Film to the village in their heart language, one of the evenings of the camp.

· Community work: We will clean the water spring of the village, and teach young leaders how to maintain a village water spring lean and healthy.

Please pray for safety and pray that the Spirit will lead us throughout our time at Mvii.

Pray also that The Spirit will move powerfully and that all participants will personally experience God in a very deep way.

Young Leaders Club: Year End Meeting

The 2008-2009 academic year is fast coming to an end. On Monday June 1, the Young Leaders Club held its last weekly meeting. They invited the school Principal and administrative staff, and presented a summary of their activities this academic year. They also organized a show that included dancing, poems, testimonies and games. Here are two extracts of the testimonies.

1. Donald Agassoh: “When I first heard of the Young Leaders Club, I really had no interest in it. Nevertheless, I decided one afternoon to go and see what their meeting looks like. I ended up liking every minute of it. I was immediately hooked to the vision of the club. That is where I experienced a deep transformation inside of me through Christ. And the YLC did more. It helped the transformation within me to bear fruit in concrete actions of love and responsibility toward our school community and toward people in general. My faith in Christ has grown so much …”

2. John Bissohong:The Young Leaders Club has aroused the leader in me. At the beginning of the school year, I lacked confidence, and I didn’t really feel good about myself. You could easily notice this when you spoke with me. I could seldom speak audibly, not to talk about daring speak to an audience. My classmate nicknamed me “miss”, saying I am shy like a girl. But through the young Leaders Club, I have learned the lesson of boldness. I have learned that leaders go FORWARD! As we say in our motto. And you can see for yourself that, I can presently speak to an audience like you, even without notes. I have learned through the YLC that, we “… did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear…”

mercredi 27 mai 2009

Building Capacity with Young Professionals

On Thursday May 21, Victor was the keynote speaker at the forum of reflexion organized by PRADI. PRADI Stands for PRofessionals with A DIfference. they are a very dynamic group of young professionals who are commited to making a difference in their world, as Christians. the theme of the forum was: "Realities of the Corporate World in Cameroon: Obstacle or Opportunity of Transformation for the Christian Professional"
After giving a 50 minutes presentation on leading change, participants sat in workshops to discuss the realities they face at their different work places. They thereafter discussed ways through wich they could begin to lead change. A short presentation of the story of William Wilberforce, who stood up against the humans trade in the 18th century in Great Britain.
20 young professionals were expected to this event, and 17 attended. They were all challenged to realize how God could use them to bring positive change in their sphere of activity and influence.

vendredi 24 avril 2009

Images of Mvii

Emmanuel and Cécile ELOP: Young Leaders will put up at their house at Mvii, the village of the 2009 camp.

THe HQ of the camp will be in this house

Landscape of the village

At the water spring

Harvesting Cocoa
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Welcome to Young Leaders Camp: "Mvii 2009"

On Saturday June 18 Victor went to Mvii, a village 150 Kms (about 95 miles) away from Younde. Rochelle and Donald, respectively president and auditor of the Young Leaders Club (YLC) of "Collège les Sapins" went with Victor. Mvii is actualy the village of Rochelle. Her parents built a spacious house there and they have accepted that we use their house for the YLC Camp next June 21 to 28.

The people of the village are very hospiable, and they can't wait to receive Young Leaders next June ending.

Below are some of the activities that we will carry out during the camp.
  • Story telling
  • Traditional Dances
  • Exploration of some lessons of Leadership And Development Studies (a leadership curriculum under development for the youth in the African context)
  • Community work like cleaning and sanitation of the village water spring
  • Football/soccer game with the youthof the village
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dimanche 12 avril 2009

YLC Leaders strategize for a successful 3rd academic Term

  1. This Sunday April 12, the Leadership of the YLC of Les Sapins had a strategic meeting to prepare for the Clubs activities during the third academic term that starts on Monday April 13. The President first made an evaluation of the club's activities in the 2nd term. After that, the teams brainstormed on a few measures that will help ensure a successful third term.  The following are the main points of the evaluation.


    Things that went well in the first term:

    1. The Clean Toilet Clean School (CTCS) Project was a real success despite the difficulties we had completing it.
    2. The Spokes person of the Club, John Bissohong made an incredible impact on the students in his speech of presentation of the CTCS project.
    3. Before the CTCS project, students of Les Sapins would always vandalize and tear posters on the school bill board. Anything posted on the boards would scarcely remain there for more than half a day. Since we did the CSCS project, that bad habit has changed.

    Things where improvement is needed:

    1. The average number of club members who attended meetings as low in the second term. Less than 50% of registered members.
    2. The president had backed seriously on giving leadership to the club due to personal difficulties?
    3. Meetings didn't stat on time, and many young leaders arrived at meetings late.
    4. The drama group went cold due to the unavailability of the volunteer staff in charge.

    What should be done to ameliorate the clubs life and activities in the third term?

    1. Club leaders should meet a club member each school day, and know how they are doing.
    2. When Young Leaders meet, they need to ask each other: "Did you have an opportunity to serve today?"


samedi 11 avril 2009

Our current challenge

In two days, school resumes after Easter break. The Young Leaders Club will also resume it's acitivities for the 3rd academic term. The 3rd Term is the shortest of all three in the academic year. It is also the most decisive, as it leads to final and official exams  for students. It is going to be a very short and decisive term for Y2L too.
Indeed we need to find the location for  Young Leaders Camp next June 21 to 27. We also need to get the Young Leaders sign up for that crucial activity for the year. Our objective is to have 20 YL at the camp.

jeudi 9 avril 2009

The Manyims Update March 2009

Dear friends and partners in the harvest,

Receive greetings from Yaounde, the capital city of Cameroon. What a joy we have to send you feed back on work on the field. Be blessed as you read.

Incredible progress (Picture: John E. Bissohong - Treasurer Young Leaders Club)

The first time Young Leaders addressed the school community was when they had to present the megaphone they had bought for the school. When given the floor to present their gift to the school, the treasurer as the spokesperson of the Young Leaders Club was hardly able to say a few sentences to the nearly one thousand students gathered. “I had a stage fright” said John later on, when Victor spoke with him and encouraged him. Three weeks ago, John had to come in front of the school community again. This time, he had to come and explain the Clean Toilets Clean School (CTCS) project to his fellow students and to the staff. He also needed to challenge them to embrace the project through their support. John took four hours to write a two page speech. Victor and another young leader-Daniel- gave their input as John simulated the presentation of his speech. It was on a Sunday evening, and the presentation was scheduled for the next Tuesday. “Go and continue with the simulation at home, gather your brothers and friends at home and present them the speech. Read it several times and get acquainted with it. When you will be giving it next Tuesday, don’t be looking at the students in their eyes. Look slightly above the heads, relax, and all will be fine”. This was the advice and encouragement Victor gave to John. On the day of the presentation, John did an excellent Job. Here is the comment of the school’s principal to Victor after the presentation: “John Bissohong gave an energetic presentation this morning. He was able to speak to the hearts of the school community. His message to the school about the CTCS project was delivered with excellence. He has made incredible progress from the first time he spoke here. The Young Leaders Club is doing a great job”. Praise God for helping us to make this happen.

Spiritual Impact

The spiritual impact on the Young leaders is evident. The Bible is naturally present in our leadership talks, and we can notice that young Leaders have adopted it as their leadership reference. Eight have  expressed a commitment to Christ and they even want to grow in their faith. The spiritual impact of the Club has gone beyond the club. It is impacting the whole school. Victor recently asked the discipline prefect of the school what she thought was the spiritual impact Christian activities in the school. She said: “The impact is real. Two weeks ago, a Bible Reading Club was even launched here. We were surprised to see so many students sign up. I believe this is the result of the spiritual influence of Christian activities here at school.”

We launched the YLC this year with a new ministry approach. We decided to restrain ourselves from doing direct preaching and to teach leadership concepts to the Young Leaders, drawing inspiration from the Bible. We have done this, expecting that Young Leaders will know the right paradigms of leadership and desire to own them. We also expected that they will understand that only Christ could make them to lead like Christ, and that they would be willing to embrace the Lord as we give them the opportunity along the process of our activities. The shift from being a classical evangelist to being a conversion facilitator was not easy, and some times, we felt we are not doing what the Lord sent us for. After six months of activity, we are so happy to realize that the Spirit is not only convincing the Young Leaders that the principles we explore are the right principles for their life and leadership, He is opening their eyes and hearts to receive Jesus. Praise the Lord

Pray with US

  1. 1.      Give thanks for the total support of the school authorities to our initiative
  2. Thank God for the progress we can see in the Young Leaders lives.
  3. Some of the YLC members need to be freed from the spirit of hypocrisy. They know what we expect them to be, and that is what they pretend to be, but just as long as we are with them.
  4. Pray for the Clean School Clean Toilets project. We are executing it this month.