On Thursday May 21, Victor was the keynote speaker at the forum of reflexion organized by PRADI. PRADI Stands for PRofessionals with A DIfference. they are a very dynamic group of young professionals who are commited to making a difference in their world, as Christians. the theme of the forum was: "Realities of the Corporate World in Cameroon: Obstacle or Opportunity of Transformation for the Christian Professional"
After giving a 50 minutes presentation on leading change, participants sat in workshops to discuss the realities they face at their different work places. They thereafter discussed ways through wich they could begin to lead change. A short presentation of the story of William Wilberforce, who stood up against the humans trade in the 18th century in Great Britain.
20 young professionals were expected to this event, and 17 attended. They were all challenged to realize how God could use them to bring positive change in their sphere of activity and influence.