New Generations of African Leaders *
Nouvelles Générations de Leaders Africains
The academic year 2011-2012 is on. We have resumed the Leadership And Development Studies course ( LADS) in three partner institutions of the city of Yaounde. LADS will be a full graded course delivered in a class setting in these schools. Through this transformational leadership course we will help equip more than 750 young people this year with paradigms of servant leadership. The launching of Young Leaders Clubs is also going on in the same high schools. In the Club setting, we will help members to engage in a dynamic personal relationship with The Lord Jesus while they are trained to lead and serve according to biblical principles.
The video below shows the first meeting of the Young Leaders Club at College IPONI (a partner high school in the outskirts of Yaounde) two weeks ago.
It is a custom for us to end each ministry year with a Young Leaders camp. We are still receiving testimonies of changed lives at the camp of last June. A few weeks ago, we received the encouraging testimony below from the mother of a camper:
"The grace and love of our Lord Jesus-Christ be with you! I wish to express my gratitude to God and to you, the whole team who worked to make this camp happen.You did a great ministry at Libamba and even beyond, by encouraging us to give our children a daily devotional book. Once a week, William shares with the family the teachings of one day at the Libamba camp and we are blessed. Be strengthened for other activities, for which I hope you are planning already”.
Many blessings in Christ Victor & Florence
Du 06 au 08 juillet dernier, nous avons tenu la rencontre d’évaluation de nos activités de ministère. Pendant ces trois jours de réunion, les encadreurs des deux Clubs des Jeunes Leaders ainsi que l’animateur principal des cours de Leadership And Developpement Studies (LADS) dans les établissements ont présenté les bilans de leurs activités respectives à toute l’équipe. Le cours de LADS a été enseigné dans une douzaine de salles de classes avec une moyenne de 500 élèves enseignés. Les deux Clubs des Jeunes Leaders (CJL) ont mobilisé 40 jeunes réguliers pour une année de travail riche en activités. L’activité permanente des CJL était la rencontre hebdomadaire de chaque CJL. A celle-ci, il faut ajouter des activités spéciales telles que :
· Une excursion au Mont ELOUMDEN : un exercice d’endurance qui a permis aux jeunes de réaliser la possibilité de traverser des obstacles apparemment insurmontables, par un effort intense et soutenu: « derrière un grand obstacle se cache une grande victoire » a dit l’un d’eux au sommet de la montagne
· Une journée de l’excellence au Collège Les Sapins pendant laquelle les 5 premiers de chaque classe ont été honorés et encouragés à toujours rechercher l’excellence dans leurs réalisations
· Un projet « Non à la tricherie ! Non à la fraude ! » : pour encourager les jeunes à l’intégrité. « D’habitude plusieurs dizaines d’élèves sont traduits au conseil de discipline pour tricherie, mais après la campagne contre la fraude du CJL cette année, nous n’avons attrapé qu’un seul élève entrain de tricher », nous a rapporté une Surveillante Générale du Collège les Sapins.
· Une visite à l’Orphelinat LE BON BERGER : application du leadership de service
· Un investissement humain à la Sous-préfecture d’Efoulan pendant la semaine de la Nation pour développer le patriotisme
· L’un des coaches de CJL a travaillé avec les jeunes dans sa plantation de pastèques en application du cours sur le coaching. Comme résultat, les enfants coachés ont acquis une aptitude avérée en matière de culture de la pastèque.
· Un camp des jeunes leaders qui a rassemblé 55 jeunes à LIBAMBA , un village situé à environs 70kms de Yaoundé
Tout compte fait, nous pouvons dire que l’année 2010-2011 a été un autre pas vers la réalisation du projet pilote de formation des leaders intègres pour notre continent .
The Young Leaders Camp this year was a great time of true fellowship and real transformation. We spent the week of the 19th to 26th of June with 53 youths at Libamba (about 50 miles away from Yaounde). The Theme of the camp was “Be An Example”, drawn from 1 Timothy4:12. We had numerous activities around the theme of the camp. These included teachings, discussions and role plays, film shows, talks and and storytelling. Watching Alex Kendrick’s movie titled “Facing The Giants” on big screen was one of their favorite time. All of them remembered a life lesson from the movie that says one should prepare his fields for sowing, to avoid missing the opportunity when rain begins to fall.
Drawing inspiration from 1Timothy 4:12, we explored the following aspects of the theme:
· Be an example in word
· Be an example in conduct
· Be an example in love
· Be an example in spirit
· Be an example in faith
· Be an example in purity
We also had an excursion in the jungle and visited the Nyong River, (Second longest in Cameroon). During the excursion, campers were lead by Florence in a moment of praise to God for the beauty of the jungle. At the end of our week at the camp, participants were not ready to leave. They all said they can’t wait for next year’s edition.
Young Leaders also did a community project at Libamba. They painted classrooms black boards to demonstrate servant leadership.
We had very encouraging feedback from parents after this year’s edition. Below are a few reactions from them. Feedback from parents of campers
“By the grace of God I send you thanks for everything that the Young Leaders Camp has done to my boys. Ludovic (one of her boys) is always prompt to talk about lessons learnt at the camp this year, and after a week of observation, I see a remarkable improvement in his behavior, ... I commit to offer them devotional books for their daily meditations… once again, may God bless you all” Eliane Clarisse (Mother of three boys who attended the Young Leaders Camp this year)
“Uncle Victor, My mother says I should say Thank You!... Because I keep talking about being an example (the theme of the Camp this year) since I came back from the Young Leaders Camp. And I have stopped doing the bad things I used to do before” Hervé (14 yers old boy who attended the Young Leaders Camp this year)
“Ernest (14 years old boy who attended the camp) was having serious difficulties managing puberty; I have noted a great improvement in his ability to manage it after the Camp; Maybe you should consider holding the camp twice every year. ” Alphonse (Father of two boys who attended the Young Leaders Camp this year) Please pray with thanksgiving that the changes in the lives of those who attended the Young Leaders Camp this year will be permanent and will bear lasting fruit.
The General Assembly of “Fondation Tchadienne pour le Leadership” (FTL) which means Chadian Leadership Foundation went very well. The meeting was both officially opened and closed by the Chadian Minster of Communication, who personally represented the Prime Minister.
My presentation on the Young Leaders League was highly appreciated. Several members of the audience, including the newly elected FTL Coordinator came to me after, asking that we will extend our pilot project to Chad.
The newly elected leaders of FTL are aware of the high expectations people have on them.
Let’s continue to ask for wisdom from the Lord as this new team trusts God for their initial steps toward transformation in Chad.
Voici venu "Libamba 2011" Camp Des Jeunes. Lieu: Collège Evangélique de Libamba Dates: du 19 au 26 juin 2011 Frais: 10.000 F Cfa Inscriptions & plus de renseignements:, ou appelez au 77 29 97 86 ou au 96 29 62 05 ou au 96 67 33 34