mercredi 26 août 2009

African Forum on Religion and Government (AFREG)2

From August 18 to 21 2009, 240 African Christian leaders gathered in Lumuru-Kenya for a time of reflection and mutual empowerment. Our guests of Honor were H.E. Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi, Chief Ojo Maduekwze, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Rev Dr Laurence Bropleh, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Liberia.

You are the light of the world was the key verse for this conference. The Keynote address was Given by Dr Delanyo Adadevoh, President of International Leadership Foundation (ILF) Dr Adadevoh’s Address was titled “The whole Gospel to the whole person”. Dr Adadevoh in his address explains why the Church in Africa must embrace missions with new paradigms: preach a holistic Gospel for the whole salvation of the whole person. We also heard vibrant live testimony of H.E. Nkurunziza, of how he and his leadership team are leading transformation in Burundi. within lass than two years, Burundi built more than 700 primary and secondary schools for the Nation, without any help from outside the country. President Nkurunziza rolls his own sleeves every Saturday and goes to lay bricks and build schools throughout the country. HE encourages the people of Burundi to do the same. This inspirational leader was thus able to mobilize his people to build the Nation with their own sweat. President Nkurunziza received the first

ILF President’s Transforming Leadership Award

©Photo by J.B. Dasalla 2009

President Nkurunziza receives the ILF President’s Transforming Leadership Award from Dr Delanyo Adadevoh

The Address from Chief Ojo Maduekwe was also a very challenging testimony of a Godly States man who lives out integrity and who has become an island of justice and integrity in the middle of an ocean of corruption in Nigeria.